
Water world

Wednesday July 1st, 2015
Camilla GullàWednesday July 1st, 2015

Pools, bio-pools, artificial lakes, water delights senses and view especially in the current season, when the heat starts to bite and the holidays still seem far away. And how many of us love relaxing with a dip in a pool.

Antonio Lionetti Home Design
Antonio Lionetti Home Design

But water benefits are more than you could imagine.

Water, from the Latin “aqua”, the chemical transparent compound, devoid of smell and taste, the ancient philosophers considered it one of the four building blocks of the universe.

Waterstijl Luxe Zwembaden
Waterstijl Luxe Zwembaden

Water in nature is one of the main constituents of ecosystems and it’s the basis of all known life-forms, including humans.

This precious item aroused the interest of the human species since antiquity.

Water has physical, mental and intellectual benefits on man’s mind and body.

According to an Australian study of 2012 (Jacobson, M. Griffith Institute for Educational Research), children who were exposed to water activities in the first weeks of life have an advantage from 6 to 20 months compared to all the others, let alone the benefits it can bring in case of traumas.

Studio Maggiore Architettura/homify
Studio Maggiore Architettura/homify

I wonder if our ancestors have thought about these and other aspects, before building the first pool.

The first pool we know is the Great Bath at Mohenjo-daro, the Indus Valley, in today’s Pakistan, where the remains were still been.

The pool dates from the third millennium BC and measures 12 meters by 7.

Instead in Italy, the first pool has sprung in Milan, in 1842, these are the Baths of Diana.

A pool can have various shapes, sizes and depths. It can be inground or external, with reinforced concrete structure, steel, aluminum, wood, ceramic coated or tinted only, waterproof and with many other variants.

3D Render&Beyond/
3D Render&Beyond/

According to a record, updated to 2008, the largest pool in the world is located in San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo fraction of Chile.

In addition to the positive vibes that gives our body, a swimming pool also has a great visual impact, it can be in spectacular natural settings or urban oasis but it is always designed to give us a real pleasure.

We can say that one of the symbols of luxury par excellence is a perfect “charger” against laziness and tiredness of hot summer afternoons.

Biodesign Pools/
Biodesign Pools/

There are more unusual shaped pools that emerge from grasslands, reflecting the greenery of the garden that surrounds the house, even with the interior white painted, which during the day turns sky blue or else green, blue, powder color tiling and for the most extravagant even Orange, red, purple, that tinged the water mirror of the color of your choice.

Andréa Calabria Arquitetura
Andréa Calabria Arquitetura

Browsing on Homify, an architecture and design web portal, I discovered that there are really unusual and for all tastes pools.

Thinking about ideas to design a pool is really a nice pastime on weekends in June or July, especially for those of us who don’t have yet in own garden.

Stone Contractors/homify
Stone Contractors/homify

Photos of this post definitely will not make you desist from continuing to fantasize and in whichever way is the pool that you dream, in the warm summer evenings will have, as roof, a magnificent starry sky.

Camilla Gullà

Homely atmosphere

New Design for Camilla’s Secrets

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