
Princess Grace

Monday July 13th, 2015
Dina CatalfamoMonday July 13th, 2015

Welcome in the section dedicated to puppies and all lovers of our four-legged friends. The protagonist is the sweet Grace, loving and expansive poodle avid of pampering. She’s playful, a little ‘snob and attractive enough to win the title of “princess” of the house.

Those who have a pet know that vacuum is able to fill with its presence, in exchange needs you, your company, would otherwise disappear its great qualities: liveliness, gaiety, joy.

Besides its joy is truly contagious and if you happen one day to return home in a bad mood, it is certain that with a puppy next to you that hopping welcomes you, every evil thought vanishes.

George Bernard Shaw wrote that happiness consists in not measure or wonder if we are satisfied or not. So if GB Shaw was right, a dog is happy to stay with its owner, regardless of beauty and size of the house in which it lives. Instead the dimensions of the affection he receives are perceived.

The loyalty of a dog towards his owner is proverbial, it would never abandon it, even after death, and not because it is rewarded, but because there’s no other place in the world where it would be stay better then by your side. 

We human beings have the duty and the obligation to give everything we can to our puppies, for supplying to their wellbeing and their health, even if they are satisfied of everything, without ever asking, ever complaining, ever protesting. 

The eyes of a dog watching you happy because of your caresses and because you fill it of pampering is one of the most fulfilling expressions of gratitude I’ve ever known.

Thank you Princess Grace for the infinite love you give me every day.

Princess Graceprincess Grace cane cane princess Grace

New Design for Camilla’s Secrets

23 years at Villa Cora, Florence

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