1825 days of Fashion, 1825 days of memories encased in a pic, 1825 days of read, written, published and shared articles, 1825 days of challenges, goals, ideas and projects, 1825 days of battles, victories and defeats, 1825 days of dreams encased in a web page, 1825 days with you, 1825 Camilla’s Secrets days, 1825 Camilla’s days.
In these five years, Camilla’s Secrets and Camilla grew up together, side by side, along flowery and joyful streets, but also gloomy and dark streets.
Over the years, my blog has been my refuge and my strength.
Beside me in the celebrations, the usual friends and all those who have believed in my project.
Do not miss the official pictures of the party in the next article and soon for you, many new issues, online on Camilla’s Secrets 😉 !